If You’ve Been Using CBD Oil Topically, Switch To A Lotion

When CBD was first legalized and started to become popular, CBD oil was everywhere. And it is, indeed, a great product because it can be used in so many different ways, including topically. Over the past few years, however, a lot of new and more specialized CBD products have been developed. One of them is CBD lotion. If you're still applying multi-purpose CBD oil to your skin, then it's time to make the switch to CBD lotion. Read More 

Why You May Want To Start Taking Organic Sulfur Crystals As A Mature Adult

With so many supplements lining store shelves, it can be hard to know which ones are right for you. A good approach to take, though, is to look primarily for supplements that offer multiple benefits in one. If you consider yourself a mature adult — someone in their 30s, 40s, or older — one such supplement to consider is organic sulfur crystals. Here are the key benefits of organic sulfur crystals for mature adults. Read More 

Easy Ways To Take Your Lemon CBD Oil Throughout The Day

Although companies are selling CBD oil in all sorts of flavors, lemon remains one of the most popular, widely available options. The flavor of lemon is a nice, natural match for the earthy flavor of the CBD, and it helps camouflage some of the more grassy, less enjoyable flavors that come through in plain CBD. Plus, lemon feels refreshing and rejuvenating, which is ideal when you're taking a product meant to help you feel good! Read More 

Homemade Reed Diffusers And Potpourri With Monarda Essential Oil

Monarda essential oil is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Many people take it orally to help ward off disease. However, you can also use Monarda essential oil in your home. It may help keep the levels of contaminants in your air under control, and its aromatic qualities can also help you feel grounded, stress-free, and relaxed. If you're interested in using this essential oil around your home, here are a few strategies to try. Read More 

Three Ways to Use CBD Discretely

CBD has become more popular since the Farm Bill legalized growing hemp in 2018. However, there is still some suspicion of the substance in some circles, and you may not quite feel comfortable using your CBD out in the open in your workplace or around certain people in your life. Does this mean you have to leave your CBD at home and go without it? No! If you find CBD beneficial, there are some discrete ways of using it when you're out and about. Read More