Using Horse Skin Supplements For Rain Rot In The Deep South

Horses often suffer from a variety of skin conditions that can affect their value. For those who live in the South, one of the most common of these conditions is rain rot. Managing rain rot with a dosage of horse skin supplements can help a horse recover from this problematic condition.

Symptoms Of Rain Rot

Rain rot is a skin infection caused by an organism known as dermatophilus congolensis. It grows in very warm and damp conditions and will create crusty scabs on a horse's skin. While in no way life-threatening, it can spread across the body and ruin a horse's beautiful look. Even worse, it may leave scars that are hard to remove or which may be permanent.

It typically gets spread when an infected saddle black, leg wrap, or brush comes into contact with the horse's skin. There also must be an extreme amount of moisture, such as during a heavy rain. However, in areas like the Deep South, rain rot is common due to the high humidity in the air. Those in these areas who see scabs developing on their horse need to take steps to manage this problem.

How Supplements Can Help

A good horse skin supplement is made out of a wide variety of vitamins and minerals and is designed to increase the health and strength of a horse's skin. While a horse skin supplement can't literally fight the source of an infection of rain rot, it can help produce an improved level of vitamins and minerals in a horse's body and make them healthier than they were before the infection.

As a result, a growing number of horse owners are considering these useful supplements when trying to treat serious skin problems in their horse. Before picking up just any skin supplement off the shelf, though, it is important to understand what nutrients and minerals make up a good supplement.  

Treating The Problem

Before adding a supplement to a horse's diet, it is important to treat the problematic symptoms of rain rot. For example, a variety of iodine-based shampoos can help manage mild cases without major scabs. Other treatments, such as antibiotic baths, may be necessary in extreme cases. After starting a treatment method, choose a horse skin supplement that will manage this condition.

A healthy horse skin supplement should have high levels of vitamin A, a range of B vitamins, biotin, lysine, zinc, fatty acids, vitamin E, healthy fats, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, and more. These ingredients help the skin cells of the horse operate in an efficient and effective way. They also help promote a stronger and healthier immune system.

Following these simple steps will help eliminate rain rot from a horse's skin. It will also create a healthier coat that will look great for years to come. Continue using the horse supplements for healthy skin even after rain rot has disappeared.
